The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 157: Beast Mode


Olesh posted:

As a suggestion (take it or leave it since I'm not the OP or doing any runs myself)

Since there seem to be more than a couple of people doing runs now, y'all should take a page from the Roguelike megathread and start making your posts in the test poster and then linking there, rather than posting directly in the thread. It'll make navigating the page and tracking the thread of individual runs much easier.

Part 1 - Beast Mode

Consider it done, my friend. I had been a bit worried about that to begin with; as much as the presence of images in the posts makes run-relevant posts easier to spot at a glance, I must admit it does stretch out the page length. This was an easy enough fix, too, so I'm happy to do it.